
Joanne Shin

Lent Reflections + Blog Tour

Published about 1 year agoย โ€ขย 2 min read


For those of you who don't know, Lent is a period of 40 days leading up to the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ where you pray and sometimes, give something up focus more on Jesus.

This was my first year trying lent, and this year, I gave up listening to secular music and unhealthy snacks.

I'm going to admit, this was a really ambitious goal, and I did not complete it perfectly. There were times where I accidentally listened to secular music before remembering that I was doing Lent. There were times where I ate a cookie then remembered that I was doing Lent.

And I realized that a lot of the people around me were expecting me to do Lent perfectly, and to not break a single rule. But what I realized was that I'm not perfect. We all aren't. We're all sinners and we need God's grace and mercy. It's why Jesus died on the cross for us, to be the sacrifice, once and for all. And I'm so, so thankful for His gift, because I did nothing to deserve it.

So will I do Lent again next year? Yes, I will! I loved doing it this year, and though it was a challenge, I think it's what I needed to grow in my spiritual journey and realize the significance of Jesus' gift again.

Blog Spotlight

And this is the second part of this email! Recently, Mia Harden launched a new blog! Here is the link to Mia's amazing blog! Mia Harden@I Feel Like a Fairyโ€‹

I absolutely love her blog, the aesthetic, and how she designed it all! It's beautiful, and she already has some blog posts out!

Her blog is about finding joy in the little things in life, a message which I think is so true.

As I said before, Mia already has blog posts published on her blog, so make sure to check those out here!



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Joanne Shin


Hey, I'm Joanne! I'm a writer who is a follower of God. I love writing, reading, dancing, listening to music, and taking photos. By signing up for my newsletter, you'd be getting one email from me per month, containing photographs, writing news, and rants about books and music. You can click through some of my past emails below to see my style of writing, or add your email address in the little box below! I'd love to have you! : D

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